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And here we are immersed in Ligurian viticulture, along rows that unite man and nature, where we have the opportunity to discover some curiosities about the vineyards and the landscape that they create.
In this locality, which makes it the master for the cultivation of vines, we can admire two very important varieties of the Riviera di Ponente, the Pigato, an indigenous vine, and the Vermentino, already better known, but different from the others precisely because of the soil in which resides. 
Walking along the rows, you can admire the various vital phases of the vine in its annual cycle, from budding in spring to sweet rest in autumn/winter after the September harvest.

our options for you

Inside our vineyards, everyone can live a unique and evocative experience, you can choose the right activity for you, which allows you to discover and fall in love like us with Ligurian viticulture and other products from the local supply chain specially chosen by us.
Experience a romantic evening by candlelight, listening to a live band, or relax and meditate on yourself listening to the sweet sound of Nature. And much more....


Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting

You are accompanied to discover the wines grown in this area, on a peaceful journey that begins among the vineyards, where the cultivated varieties are presented and their secrets revealed.
The walk in the vineyards allows you to closely observe the plant, the type of soil, the training methods and the pruning techniques.
Subsequently we move on to wine tasting, where everything acquires a value and meaning. The aromas, scents and history of the area emerge from the glasses and close this pleasant experience.

Private Events

Don't miss the opportunity to organize your private event in the Vineyard, at sunset or under a starry night, with the company of friends or family, enjoy your personal moment, to celebrate and celebrate!

Nature, Wine, Local Food and much more can give you a journey into the Albenga hinterland that you will carry with you for a lifetime!

Contact us to reserve the Vineyard and find out what we can offer you!

Live Wine

Mindfulness & Wine

Open Vineyard & Music

"Music teaches us the most important thing there is: listening."

Ezio Bosso

The magic that is created is something unique, through wine, music and typical Ligurian cuisine, you can enjoy carefree and sparkling moments.

The connection between the Nature of the vineyard and Music changes from time to time, from genre to genre, always leaving a smile on our faces.

An alternative picnic, where each box contains simple dishes from the Ligurian gastronomy, such as focaccia and mountain cheeses and more...

“The best way to capture fleeting moments is to pay attention.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn

By focusing on yourself, on your breathing and the perception of your body, you will be accompanied on a sensorial journey through the five senses that will not only involve your body, but also the wine.

In the peace and tranquility of Nature, you will be able to capture moments of profound reflection on your "I" and the space that surrounds you.

By following the advice of the teacher Carla, you will be able to experience a truly intense and regenerating moment.


wine art

“Artisti e poeti continuano a trovare il senso della vita

in un bicchiere di vino.”
Joy Sterling

Galleria d'arte con Opere di Artisti locali installate all'interno della Vigna.

In Collaborazione con Carla Paura, ogni anno la nostra azienda diventa un luogo culturale davvero affascinante con quadri, sculture e molto altro, dove gli artisti interagiscono con i visitatori, sorseggiando calici di vino e gastronomia locale.


Wine Theatre

The theater is a free zone of life, there you are immortal.
Vittorio Gassman

Lights, reflectors, glasses and a stage!

The Vineyard becomes a theater in nature, where the guys from Kronoteatro manage a magical evening of entertainment, offering an intense and fascinating atmosphere, while sipping our wines!

+39 340 318 2092

Reg. Marixe, SP19,17031, Albenga SV

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